According to the statistics collected for this site and elsewhere,
most of you are using Microsoft® Internet Explorer 6 or 7. Even if you are not, you may want to try another browser.
Each of the browsers offered below has it's own strong points! Try
them all and select the one you like best!

Firefox is a
Gecko-based browser that is spreading like wildfire! It is free and
non-commercial. It is available
from, or by clicking the button to the right. RoboForm, my "password genie"
of choice, supports Firefox using a plug-in provided. Firefox has
about 30% of the browser market. RECOMMENDED
Mozilla has released Firefox 3.0. It is definitely worth the
upgrade! It is noticeably faster and adds one or two useful
features. Many of the extensions still work - notably
Firefox 3.0 is available for Windows®, Mac OS X, and Linux. |
browser is up and coming! Opera®
is free. Version
9 (32 bit) for Windows 95/98/NT4/2000/XP is HTML 4.0 compliant.
also has a 'tabbed' interface.
Opera is HTML 4.0 compliant, and supports
JavaScript and Sun's Java®. Because many web pages are browser specific and do not
recognize Opera, Opera has the capability to "spoof"
several versions of Mozilla (aka Netscape) or IE.
The download is small. Version 9 is
only 6.3 Mbytes. Opera is quick and light on
it's feet. Since the only investment is a few minutes of
download time and a little time to explore Opera, I'd heartily
recommend giving it a try! Opera is available for Linux, MAC, and
other OS's.
Opera's only drawback is that it is
not supported by RoboForm :(
Apple now supports Windows with this
browser. Like Opera, it is not supported by RoboForm :(
who favor Microsoft® can
download the recent (Oct 2006) Version
7.0. This version supports tabbed browsing and makes it easy to
read RSS feeds. Version 6 can also still be downloaded if you
prefer. Microsoft has 60-70% of the browser market.
supports Internet Explorer.
out "Web Browsers for Dummies".